
Hello and welcome. I have created this blog to provide an insight account of my journey to stage my second show garden at this years RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show. Share all my highs and lows as I make preparation for the garden to be built as the countdown to 6th July 2009 begins.

Friday, 1 May 2009

Well its too late to pull out now, with only 51 days till were allowed onto site things are starting to take shape. Yesterday I attended a site meeting with the show managers Mandy Almond and Steve Coop and to be honest they have properly given me the best site out of the small gardens as its very close to one of the entrances and is also on a T-junction which should maximise potential viewing. The only downside to the plot is that some of the back portion of my garden will be underneath a giant oak tree. Hopefully it won't spoil the appearance of the garden to much but theres not much I can do about it at this stage but luckily they have decided to shift the whole row of gardens down by about 1.5 metres just to keep me happy.

What else has been going on?
Two weeks ago I received my sedum matting which curtains the raised deck, special thanks to Angela at Q Lawns for getting it delivered so quickly for me. Its currently growing at the school and is filling out nicely though hopefully once moved to a better location at the weekend will thrive even better.

The plants are being grown as we speak just need to find some white digitalis big enough for the show and then that will all be sorted. Alot less trouble this time round then when I exhibited at Chelsea but back then I didn't know what was going on or what to expect.

The deck frame working is going to be constructed over this coming weekend so it gives me a chance to work out how I want the steps to be arranged and how the storage compartment will be fixed. It then have to be dismantled so that we can get it to the site in June but atleast then all we'll have to do is screw it together.

I think that's about it, though still have lots of meeting with suppliers in the next couple of weeks so not much rest for me but its all part of package to exhibit a garden which I think the public don't really appreciate especially when it takes about 8 months to plan a garden that is to be built in 12 days, shown for 7 days then dismantled in 3 days. Till next time thanks for following my progress.

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