
Hello and welcome. I have created this blog to provide an insight account of my journey to stage my second show garden at this years RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show. Share all my highs and lows as I make preparation for the garden to be built as the countdown to 6th July 2009 begins.

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Sorry that I haven't updated since Friday but its been a few hectic days where we have encountered a few crucial problems that have taken 2 days to fix but hopefully it is all sorted and will work fine. So that last couple of days we've put the shingles up on the side wall that look fantastic, put the floating steps in which look really nice as well attaching the sedum matting surrounding the steps, Installed the light system in the steps to highlight the threads though at the show you won't really get the effect because it will still be light when people leave but its the small details that matter. We've also started planting the main plants and have completed the raised bed which again really connects with the whole garden and we have also started the path but then ran out of gravel so had to stop. All in all the garden is coming along though there is only 5 days left and alot left to do but what ever happens we have to finish by 7am Monday so the pressure is really on.

I'm not going to bed uploading as many pictures as i don't want to spoil the garden before people see it for real but by the end of the show all my photos will be online. I'll try and update later on in the week.

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